Board gives push to zoning change
By The Reading Eagle Company
The Perry Township Planning Commission is recommending that the township rezone a 15-acre parcel at Routes 61 and 662 to commercial from light industrial.
The 4-1 vote Wednesday begins to pave the way for a retail complex on the northeast corner of the intersection. Edward J. Walsh IV of McCarthy Engineering Associates, West Lawn, said Shoemakersville developer Eugene Bell hopes to build several stores and retail shops at the northeast corner.
The other corners are zoned commercial and have restaurants and a convenience store with gas pumps.
Walsh said Bell owns 38 more acres and they would remain zoned light industrial.
The land is adjacent to a residential development, proposed by Bell, of more than 100 units.
Planner Nancy A. Rogers voted against the rezoning, but did not say why. Planners Richard A. Furnanage and Alton Rohrbach were not present.
In other business, township Engineer Joseph H. Body said that preliminary plans for a commercial center just west of Route 61 are not ready for approval.
Body said a proposed design for the 16-acre parcel, just north of the former Boyer's Food Market and near the Shoemakersville pool, needs to show improved access for tractor trailers.
"If people can't get in, the business will lose out," he said.
Grant T. Smith, senior project manager with Stackhouse Bensinger Inc., Sinking Spring, said that the plan design would be revised.
Smith said the Federal Emergency Management Agency recently approved the building of a planned driveway across a stream tributary just east of Market Street.
Owner-developer Scott G. Homel of Jenkintown, Montgomery County, said he has reserved sewage treatment capacity at the Shoemakersville sewage treatment plant and wants to proceed with the project as soon as possible.
A convenience store and pharmacy are planned on the tract, he said.
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